Winter warmth
Keeping warm is vital for good health. Cold and damp can lead to heart and respiratory problems and increase the risk of falls dramatically. Everyone in receipt of the state pension should be eligible for the winter fuel payment. Also, those in receipt of Pension Credit will be eligible for additional payments if the temperature drops to freezing or below.
There is also help available with insulation, energy efficiency, even a new boiler. Here are a few tips to help you over the colder months:
- Keep your home warm. Help is available - if you find your heating bills are too high, contact your supplier for details.
- Shut the doors and windows, and keep the heating lower in unused rooms. Make sure radiators are not blocked by furniture and close curtains to stop draughts.
- Keep active, even if you are unable to get out of the house - try to move around every hour or so.
- Eat well. A good healthy diet will help you keep warm - have plenty of warm drinks.
- Put on an extra layer, but don’t turn off your heating. It costs no more to keep your heating on than to keep turning it off and on again. Keep room temperatures at 21 degrees for the living room and 18 degrees for the rest of the house. Minimise draughts and ask for a home energy check. Call Warm and Well on 0800 5003076.
If you would like more information, contact the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 1696565.