Cinema Afternoon at the St David's Centre

We spent a lovely afternoon with our volunteers and Befriending & Carer Respite clients at our recent Autumn Event. We were delighted to host a cinema afternoon at the St David’s Centre in Moreton, with over 50 people attending on the day. Prior to the film starting, we all had some time for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee, plus a slice of the usual delicious homemade cake of course - thanks to our volunteers for their expert baking skills! We watched the film The Hundred Foot Journey which was highly recommended and starred Helen Mirren as the proprietress of an acclaimed restaurant in a quaint French village, who strongly objects when an Indian eatery is opened directly opposite. However, she soon recognises the talent of the chef at the new restaurant and takes him under her wing. It was a heartwarming story and there was also some beautiful scenery in the film which we all really enjoyed.
Our raffle raised over £50 with winners taking away, amongst other things, a fantastic homemade fruit cake, a bottle of wine and a box of fancy biscuits, (ideal for Christmas!).
Thanks to all who supported the event but especially to Rod, who offered his time for free to install the blackout blinds and set up the projection equipment for us, and to Margo at the St David’s Centre who was a great help in supporting the organisation of the event.
We look forward to seeing everyone again at the Christmas Lunch!