Cotswold Friends Enjoy the Summer Sun at Batsford

Cotswold Friends enjoy a Summer Delight at Batsford. Beautiful Batsford was once again the setting for our Summer Event this year. Given the mixed weather of late, we were blessed with a gorgeous sunny day and the doors of the Education Centre were thrown wide open. We were host to at least 90 people including Volunteers and Carer Respite and Befriending clients. The whole room was filled with a lovely buzzing atmosphere of chat and laughter. Extra chairs and tea cups were found and everyone was able to enjoy the quite incredible cream tea, much of which was generously provided by Aldi. We have never seen quite so may scones and cupcakes in one place and many people left with a small supply to enjoy over the weekend! Many thanks to everyone who provided home-baked goods, donations to the raffle and support with transport.