Cotswold Friends - Excess Food Collection & Delivery

Cotswold Friends has been made aware that some people receiving Government Food Parcels cannot use part, or all, of the contents and are then unsure how to dispose of any unwanted goods. We have made arrangements with the North Cotswold Food Bank to help where needed by collecting this food and delivering it to them for redistribution to people in need.
If you know of anyone with excess food, please do let us know on Tel: 01608 651115 and we can arrange collection. Do bear in mind that we would only be able to arrange this service if there are a reasonable number of items to collect. If you were able to share this information it would be much appreciated.
Cotswold Friends continues to provide adapted services including Telephone Befriending, collection and delivery of shopping and medication, critical transport drives and other support services. Please do contact us if we can be of any help.
Contact Us: Transport / Shopping & Medication / Food Parcels: Tel: 01608 651115 Telephone Befriending: 01608 652019 Main Number Tel: 01608 651415 Website: