20,000 Coronavirus Help Cards Distributed

In order to makes sure that everyone in the North Cotswolds is aware of the support we can provide, Cotswold Friends has produced a Coronavirus Help Card with all of our key contact details, (see below for the front and back images). We have contacted all Parish Councils and community groups and received huge support in delivering the cards out to local communities. Thank you to everyone who has helped. 20,000 cards have been produced and with a huge effort, delivered. Alison and Paul have been out delivering for us, as well as taking on all sorts of other helpful roles and they commented: Alison: “Delivering leaflets is a great way to spread the word about Cotswold Friends – and to keep up my daily step count!” Paul: “I now know the highways and byways of Longborough, and look forward to returning for a pint in the Coach & Horses once the coronavirus restrictions have been lifted.”