New Jigsaw Club Launched

Jigsaws are a great way to pass a few hours and you can leave and come back to your puzzle project as the mood takes you. We put out an appeal for jigsaw puzzles to start our new Club and were inundated with local offers. Thankyou to everyone who so kindly donated to the cause. Almost 100 puzzles later we are up and running! Our thanks go to new volunteer Sue Johnson (pictured below) who offered to help catalogue the stock and organise jigsaw deliveries. As a former Librarian, Sue was the perfect candidate for the job. The puzzles available cover all sorts of topics including animals, nature, pets, places, trains and hobbies.
If you would like to borrow a jigsaw from the Jigsaw Club, please email: [email protected] with your details and put Jigsaw Club in the subject line, or call us on Tel: 01608 692811. Please do give us an idea of the kind of puzzle you might like and how many pieces, so that we can select the most suitable one for you. The jigsaw will be delivered to you and collected from you when finished. All jigsaws will be carefully quarantined for a minimum of three days between client loans. Please do send us pictures of you and your finished projects, either by email or by posting your pic to our new Instagram page @cotswold_friends. Happy jigsaw puzzling!