Book Lending Library launches after generous donation.

Following the successful launch of our Jigsaw Club and the generous donation of a book collection, we are now able to add a Book Lending option to our services. We now have a wide selection of books to lend. If you would like to borrow a book please do get in touch with Sam on Tel: 01608 692811 or email: [email protected]. Just give us an idea of the kind of book you would like to borrow and we can deliver to you and collect when you have finished. All items are carefully quarantined for a minimum of three days between client loans. We are also taking selections of books to our Community Activities for our clients to borrow and enjoy.
Examples from our book lending library:
Bill Bryson’s ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’ offers an enlightening summary of contemporary scientific thinking, relating to all aspects of life from the creation of the universe to our relationship with the tiniest of bacteria.
‘The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency’ introduces Precious Ramotswe, who begins the first ladies detective agency in Botswana in the capital city Gaborone, after her beloved father dies.
‘The Shadow of the Wind’ is a multi-layered tale about a 10 year old boy named Daniel Sempere, who picks up a copy of a book by an author who seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Daniel and his father live above the book store and their lives revolve around a love of books.
Please do get in touch if you love books and would like to borrow some of ours!