Community Activities Start to Reopen

As lockdown eases, in line with Government advice, we are so delighted to begin re-opening some of our Community Activities. As of 12th April, we have already re-opened our three Men in Sheds venues in Moreton, Bourton and Northleach and as of 18th May we will be restarting some of our Lunch Clubs. All of Cotswold Friends’ Community Activities have been risk-assessed to ensure they are COVID secure.
Volunteers are still Telephone Befriending people who normally attend Community Activities to keep in touch and shopping and medication deliveries are still being arranged as needed. Our Activities Newsletter is being delivered to over 1,000 clients and to all of our volunteers and is full of ideas and activities for keeping active from home. There is a full list of the Lunch Clubs that are re-opening on the website. We are looking for new members for our new Northleach shed so please contact us if you would like to join. Ladies are also very welcome and you don’t need woodworking skills to join.