Activities Newsletter Survey

Thank you so much to everyone who returned a completed survey (61 responses) about our Activities Newsletter. It was great to hear that so many of you have been enjoying the newsletter. The features people enjoyed the most were Puzzles, Nature, Recipes, Charity News and Exercise. Here is some more of the feedback you gave us:
98% of people would like to continue receiving the Activities Newsletter, which is why we have decided to continue with the new Activities Pull Out. 87% of people said that the newsletter helped them stay mentally active during lockdown. 47% of people said that the newsletter helped them stay physically active during lockdown. 38% of people said that they passed the newsletter on—please keep doing this, it is so helpful! 90% of people gave the newsletter either a 4 or a 5 out of 5 for content. 88% of people gave the activities either a 4 or a 5 out of 5 for ease of joining in and giving them a go.
And finally some of your lovely comments: ‘I really enjoy reading this - all the articles are relevant and there is something for everyone. I look forward to receiving it in the future. Thank you to all the team who put it together.’ ‘It reminds me that you’re there and I can call on you for support mentally, that’s a comfort.’ ‘Deeply appreciate the constant and cheerful support I am receiving from Cotswold Friends - life would be very difficult without. You do a wonderful thing.’
Thank you.