Tour de Friends Ride 2 – Tales from the Bibury Loop.

First off – the battery pack is connected to the phone to ensure the map stays alive – this works! However, couldn’t account for the loss of phone signal that quickly occurred, so the map disappeared again and I started off with a bit of a detour off the correct route – I really should have a plan B post-it note!!
What a privilege to stop and meet the lovely Enid, who is using our transport service to help her get to and from medical appointments. We had such a lovely conversation and, despite my protests, I was told in no uncertain terms to respect my elders and take the donation to the fundraiser being offered – thank you so much, Enid.

I also met up with Mary Ann from Working 4 Wellbeing, a fantastic charity offering services similar to our own (excluding transport) in Fairford and Lechlade. Mary Ann highlighted the fact that the area suffered from a lack of transport options and we talked about Cotswold Friends launching social and practical driving services in the area. I also met a fantastic lady called Hope at the beautiful St Mary’s Church who is now helping us to recruit volunteer drivers – thank you!
Could you give a pound or two to support our community services across the Cotswolds?
Just visit www.justgiving/campaign/tourdefriends. Thank you so much.