Tour de Friends Ride 4 – Tales of the Bourton Loop.

I was lucky enough to start this ride by visiting the Community Day Club at Bourton where people who may need a little extra help and support get together to chat, have a go at some fun craft activities, and enjoy a lovely lunch….and a lovely lunch had also been saved for me by our two volunteers Joyce and name?! And a lovely hot cuppa! Fuelled by quiche, potatoes, and salad for the afternoon’s ride! I chatted to Lorna, our Community Day Club Co-ordinator, and also to name? one of our Intergenerational volunteers. Name is a sixth-form student at a local school and helps out at the Day Club as experience for the Health & Social Care course she is studying.

I also chatted with client Mary who told me about the times she has whizzed down Rissington Hill on her bike when she was younger. I met some lovely people and the whole group was so welcoming. First attempt at posting to Instagram and Facebook as I reached each village – a quick Insta lesson from our brilliant Marketing Co-ordinator Will, earlier on that day, and all seemed to go well. Thanks, Will!
Two huge uphills on this ride at Rissington and Clapton, but the inspiration to keep going from meeting the people at the Day Club. Most challenging one so far!
Could you give a pound or two to support our community services across the Cotswolds? Just visit www.justgiving/campaign/tourdefriends. Thank you so much.