Tour de Friends Ride 5 – Tales of the Temple Guiting Loop

OK – I have realised that I have put two of the hardest routes for hill climbing two days apart from eachother – great planning! Suffering a bit from the Wednesday loop, but my friend Alison is along for the ride today so chatting as we ride helps to take my mind off the leg burn! Apologies have to be made to said friend as I misread the route map (again!!! ….no excuses!) and head off unnecessarily from Lower Swell up the enormous hill towards Stow – instead of straight across to Upper Swell. Was concentrating so hard on trying to get up the hill, I forgot to check the map direction til we were at the top – sorry Alison! Route corrected, we continued and discovered that this loop was full of ups and downs – literally!

Resisted the urge to call into Donningtons Brewery as we head past – if we stop now we might not get going again! More villages covered and you can see how remote some of the places we cycle through are if you no longer have transport, or are older and live on your own.
Met another volunteer driver called Becky, who served me a redbush tea in her pretty garden, and who told me that she drives a 90 year old chap who used to be a farmer like her, but doesn’t really know anyone locally anymore. So they chat away about farming and enjoy eachother’s company. Becky talked about the benefits of a flexible volunteering role for her and recommended volunteer driving – perhaps you could help? We need more drivers!!
Long ride but I make it round lots more villages - 5 rides down and 9 to go! Slightly worried about the 80km finale and Loop 6 and 7 are two days in a row next week… this space for a progress update……
Could you give a pound or two to support our community services across the Cotswolds? Just visit www.justgiving/campaign/tourdefriends. Thank you so much.