Tour de Friends Ride 6 – Tales of the Northleach Loop

Started off in Northleach, and stopped by to take a pic at our lovely Men in Sheds site (everyone welcome!). The Northleach Shed is a vibrant and welcoming community project, serving some of the very best cake for elevenses! Why not pop along if you have the chance?
I was lucky enough to visit two of our befriending clients on this ride. Both told me that their befriending visits make such a difference, one for company and the chance to get out of the house to the local café, and the other to go for walks, when a little confidence has been lost to head out on her own. It’s lovely to hear what a difference the service is making.
As I passed through Compton Abdale, I stopped off to visit Lesley from the Compton & Hazeldene WI. We had met for the first time the night before when I presented to the WI meeting about the work of Cotswold Friends – the ladies were so kind and welcoming and have also supported us with funding – thank you! One of the key aims of the WI movement is also to alleviate loneliness, so our aims align on many levels. I received a warm WI welcome at Lesley’s house, had a lovely chat and met the dog and the cat, then left fuelled for the final leg by tea and chocolate biscuits!
I had an appointment to chat to Paul Hodgkinson on Cotswold Radio at 4.30pm and had stayed a little too long chatting to Lesley, so needed to push to make it! However, the weather Gods were not feeling kind and an absolute deluge of rain descended as I covered the last mile. With only a minue or two to spare I reached the radio studio, dripping a rather large puddle of rainwater over everything – sorry Paul!

Ride 6 done!
Could you give a pound or two to support our community services across the Cotswolds? Visit our Just Giving page to donate. Thank you so much.