Monthly Pop-up Shop

by Cotswold Friends

Monthly Pop-up Shop

Did you know we have a fantastic monthly pop-up shop in Moreton-in-Marsh?!

Each month you can come and visit us at the Moreton Area Centre, High Street, Moreton-in-Marsh.

We have all sorts of wonderful things available from clothing to toys, accessories, games and more! So come and pop down and grab yourself a bargain - whilst supporting the work of Cotswold Friends at the same time.

The shop will be open on the Mondays (listed below) from 3 - 5pm & 9am - 3pm on the Tuesdays:

Put these dates in your diary:

  • Mon 16 & Tues 17 Sept - Moreton
  • Mon 14 & Tues 15 Oct - Moreton
  • Mon 18 & Tues 19 Nov - Moreton
  • Mon 16 & Tues 17 Dec - Moreton

And if you have anything to donate, please get in touch!

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