Archive of: 2015
A Great Volunteers Morning At Cotswold Friends
19 October 2015
Great volunteers coffee morning held each month on the first Tuesday at Cotswold Friends in Moreton in Marsh.
See How Our Community Transport Service Has Grown!
23 September 2015
For those of you who don’t know, Cotswold Friends is a local charity that - among other services - provides a community transport service for people in and around the North Cotswold area. The transport service has evolved from a system founded in the 1970’s and has grown over the years to where we are today with just under a thousand clients and just under a hundred volunteers. Here are some numbers on what we’ve been up to this year!
Managing A Social Prescribing Pilot In The North Cotswolds
10 September 2015
Cotswold Friends have been appointed to manage a 12 month pilot for social prescribing co-ordinators in a five North Cotswolds GP surgeries! With the government’s remit on health being placed on population health and seeking local change and improvement from within localities, social prescribing is designed to offer non-medical or preventative solutions for GP-referred patients.
Volunteers Coffee Mornings At Cotswold Friends
09 September 2015
We have over 200 fantastic volunteers on our books now! Some of them are volunteer drivers who take our elderly residents to the shops, their hospital appointments and to see family and friends, others help with carer respite and our lunch clubs. Many are befrienders to the hundreds of isolated and lonely older people in our community. Without them, we (read more)
Recognising The Dementia Triumverate In Our Parents
01 September 2015
On top of needing a hip replacement mom has type II diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Her feet are black with peripheral neuropathy and burn intensely. She is repeating herself, often retelling stories she has only finished telling minutes earlier.
Her GP told us that her three illnesses, in combination, can hasten the onset of dementia.
It's Official, Volunteering Makes You Feel Good Too!
06 August 2015
There’s evidence that helping others creates positive reactions that aren’t just mental health related. Research now tells us that those who give of themselves by volunteering appear to enjoy better overall health and a longer lifespan!
Cotswold Friends has many volunteering opportunties in the Cotswolds and parts of West Oxfordshire.
Who Cares For The Carers?
04 August 2015
It is often difficult for carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, but regular breaks are vital to allow carers to stay well themselves. Carers need to visit friends, go shopping, attend their own medical appointments, walk the dog, and some even use their respite breaks to go to bed and catch up on some much needed sleep!
Will You Need Care After 70 Or Will You Be The Carer?
03 August 2015
If there’s one certainty in life it’s that we all grow old. The uncertainty is whether or not we’ll grow old gracefully or require care for one or a few of the illnesses that inflict misery on what should be the golden years. If you’re healthy you’ll be one of the many who are now enjoying life after 70 and fulfilling their bucket list dreams, seeking out new challenges and making the most of retirement but, what if you’re not? What are the realities of requiring care as you grow older in the UK?
Volunteer Cook Opportunity
02 July 2015
Can you prepare food that people enjoy eating? Do you like talking to older people?