Archive of: December, 2017
Intergenerational Befriending
20 December 2017
Young volunteers aged 16 to 18 will visit older people living in Care Homes, who cannot easily get out and about.
Christmas party fun at the Moreton Fire College
17 December 2017
Satsumas, singing, Santa and shared conversations - who could ask for more!
Lovely blankets go to the Dogs Trust Charity
10 December 2017
Craft and Chat ladies present the results of much hard work.
New Walking Football Comes to Moreton!
04 December 2017
Alongside our very popular walking groups we are now introducing Walking Football.
30 Years of Volunteering Service - An Inspiration!
02 December 2017
“It is pleasing to have been able to serve the community in these ways and I am cheered to know that other volunteers are helping to keep this essential service alive.”